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Showing posts from April, 2019

4/30/19 5:37 PM

DAY TWO: Today Margaret and I met at 10:00 again, but went to advisory (so really we started at 10:30). Again, I had already been in the theater for two hours doing lighting design, so I was happy to go down into the blackbox for a change of space. Margaret and I did a read-through of the show and confirmed the total length would be just above 45 minutes. We discussed possible costume options and reviewed our progress from yesterday. After lunch, we blocked the first scene and realized we needed to change a little bit of our set to better suit our needs. Then, we went upstairs to the wood loft and looked for french doors to use as an entrance. We brought them down, realizing they were smaller than we thought, and rearranged the curtains to suit them. Once we set the curtains up, we decided to call it a day to give us a break before a 3:30 rehearsal. TODAY'S HOURS: 3.5 TOTAL: 7.5

4/29/19 10:30 PM

DAY ONE: On April 28th, the first day of senior project, I arrived at the theater at 8:10 for my theater class, then worked on lighting for Once on This Island an hour. Margret and I met at assembly, where I did lighting. We went downstairs to the black box right after and began taping out our set. This involved getting spike-tape and referencing an earlier made set drawing to scale it. We had to decide where to put furniture, the audience, and our entrance/exit points. We went upstairs to get the furniture we needed: a wicker chair and couch. We wanted to find a carbonate but could not, so we will either have to build or buy one. We made the cuts in our script and then returned to design lights for OOTI and had rehearsal later that day. TOTAL HOURS: 4